Believe it or not, most people recognize the amount of thought that goes into choosing a gift and this is especially true when it comes to friends or family members. At the same time, the extent of this thought is just as obvious and thinking up a unique gift is always more appreciated than something you might find at the mall.
But why am I hating on the local mall so much?
Well, I love the mall but the truth is, personal gifts should be personalised and that someone special in your life deserves more than something you might find on the shelf of a nearby store.
How Personalised Gifts Show Intention and Genuine Purpose
The truth is, purpose and intention are everything in terms of gifts.
You see, purpose is known to create meaning and even influence behavior which is arguably the greatest achievement for any gift. Meanwhile, intention is something you do which demonstrates that you had a sense of purpose in mind and needless to say, personalised gifts are the epitome of intention.
Now, that’s not to say you should get bogged down in these deep thought and musings but rather to explain how a little mindfulness can go a long way to choosing a meaningful gift.
For example, if the person loves to cook and has a favourite phrase related to their passion, you might look into a personalised chopping board with this engraved expression on top. Maybe they have a favourite colour, or special interest in which case there is always a way to personalise a gift for the occasion.
Anyway, you get the point, choosing a personalised gift shows that you listen to the receiver and that you truly care about what they find important or interesting in life.
The Importance of Choosing Gifts Over Products
As you know, it’s pretty common to want something new, something different or something more but at the same time, most of us seem to end up with the very same ‘thing’.
More specifically, the online world is full of wonderful products but a special occasion calls for a gift and not simply a product you might find on the shelf. Sure, you can define a gift as something you willingly give to someone without payment but let’s be honest, this is a highly personal exchange which means much more than any amount of words.
With this in mind, most gifts tend to have a rather generic characteristic which is really no different than the next product or whatever it is you might be buying. On the other hand, personalised gifts are the ideal way to bring something genuinely unique, different and new into the life of someone special.
If you’re like me, you appreciate the little things in life and truly believe in that old adage ‘it’s the thought that counts’. At the same time, the extent of this thought is equally important and personalised gifts are often the only way to truly express how much this special person means to you.